Nigeria Gist

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Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Am Juliet and I'm 24-years-old. I stay with my boyfriend of campus, every morning my boyfriend likes to takes his morning in 
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This started way back in my year 1 when we just decided to get freaky, he then suggested that he  in my moúth which I agreed and since then he will wake me up and tell me he has to peé so i will get on my knees open my moúth real wide and wait for him to.

He has gotten use to it that whenever I refuse doing it, he will béat me up so bad. I really love him so much, I don’t want to get him hurt, now am scared of swállowing because people say it contains harmful substance. Please is it true, and if yes how do I stop my boyfriend from this act without him beating me up, he enjoys it,is it that he’s abusing me indirectly or i am just confused, please help!
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  1. you don't need any one to tell you that drinking pee is harmful<why in God's name do you allow your boyfriend to treat you like an animal.If this is love then I never want to fall in love at all.
    You have to stand up for yourself and stop allowing that monster to pee in your mouth.So disgusting!!!

  2. He is nat d only guy on earth my dear, u had better run 4 ur dear life b4 it gets worst, else u die like a chicken in d hands of some low life monster guy who treats u like an animal rather something worst than an animal.

  3. I wonder why u ppl are wasting ur time advising her. Let her alone nonsense pheee

  4. That is satanic bewitchment
    Both of you need serious deliverance.

  5. mtcheeeeeew, foooooool, allow him feace in ur mouth, even vomit in it, i hear it's protinous..

  6. May god hav mercy on u

  7. Re u a fool!?? 4 God sake!


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