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Friday, 12 April 2013


There he was. Smiling at me and on his way to come over and talk to me. I could feel my heartbeats go at double speed than the normal as he came closer and closer. He was tantalizingly close to me and we were almost to be locked into a kiss and ……Zap! My phone started 4am? Turns out it was my ex! and I could not reach the climax and get the much awaited kiss! Sigh! Never mind.

At least in my dreams I was sure that the guy (handsome, reasonably good physique and on a slightly darker side) did like me. But when it comes to reality, I am sure it is not easy as this. I mean can you be 100% sure that a guy likes you? Okay, even if he does, would you vouch for the fact that he would like you as you want him to? Sounds confusing? Well, thinking about signs that a guy likes you and being on the lookout for them can really make you go crazy till something concrete happens about the relationship. In this article I will try and uncover these teeny weeny as well as sure indications that a guy is totally into you!...

Signs That a Guy Likes You More Than a Friend

Sometimes it seems as if you are the only one for him and sometimes he behaves as if you are just another girl for him. What is it exactly and how can you be sure that it is the former?

Read my Eyes
One of the most subtle but, if observed carefully, pretty evident sign is the eye contact in such matters. Whenever you have held an eye contact with him for more than a second, or if he looks away quickly, there are chances that this guy might like you. This is one of the answers to know how to tell if a guy likes you.

Body Language
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A very prominent indication amongst signs that a guy likes you is body language he uses towards you. If a guy likes you, whenever he is talking to you, he will lean towards you and will often look at you. Moreover, he may touch your arm while laughing or even if his leg happens to touch yours, he will not move it. He might even hug you, or rather he will not leave a chance to hug you! Or that guy might be very edgy or nervous while talking to you. Hence body language is very very significant thing to watch out for. Although there is chance that he might be the same with others, but have faith in the lady luck here! Also see how can you tell if a guy likes you.

Is it Friends or You?
Another sure sign he likes you is that he will be around you as much as possible. He may even dodge his game buddies for a drink just to be with you. He will considerably spend more time with you. He might even be there for you where you are not expecting him. Remember ladies, this is like a litmus test. Keep an alert on this one, it also comes across as one of the signs that a guy likes you in middle school.

His Behavior with Other Girls
Closely observe his behavior with girls when you are trying to hunt for signs that a guy likes you. If he seriously likes you, he will not even look at you from the corner of his eye when he is purposefully talking with another girl to make you jealous and get your attention. However, as soon you leave he will stop flirting with that girl. This is one thing that will quench your query regarding does he like me signs.

In addition to all these signs of a guy liking you, if that guy tries to get involved in what you do and introduces you to his closest buddies and perhaps even his family and even mentions you while talking about his future, then he is positively smitten by you!

Although these are the generally observed signs that a guy likes you, it can happen that some of these might not be noticed and the guy really likes you. If you aren’t sure, take an online signs that a guy likes you quiz, just for fun! On the contrary the guy does all this and it turns out that he is the same with his best girl buddies and you are no different. Hence, be on the lookout for these signs, but please ladies avoid assuming and inviting a heartbreak (in case he is not interested in you)! Wait for him to come to you! All the best! I sign off here!
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