Here is what music producer, OJB Jezreel said to Tribune about Tonto Dikeh's song in a recent interview;
“The problem is that she wasn’t listening to the key thing. People did not download the song out of love but out of surprise. If she really wants to go into music professionally,she needs to take out her time and learn how to sing.
“The problem is that she wasn’t listening to the key thing. People did not download the song out of love but out of surprise. If she really wants to go into music professionally,she needs to take out her time and learn how to sing.
It’s a lot easier to cross into acting from singing but a lot harder to
cross into singing from acting. If after her first single, she got
better people to coach and produce her songs, she might not have
complained so much but there was no improvement.
As far as I’m concerned, Tonto Dike’s delving into the music industry is a bad idea right now. Her wanting to sing is not bad but her thinking that on the platform of the fact that she is a movie star, so she can sing, is a very bad idea.”
As far as I’m concerned, Tonto Dike’s delving into the music industry is a bad idea right now. Her wanting to sing is not bad but her thinking that on the platform of the fact that she is a movie star, so she can sing, is a very bad idea.”
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True talk think you can sing,No i don,t think so...