Nigeria Gist

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Sunday, 10 March 2013


Must you clock 35 before you stop partying here & there? You already know all Eateries/Hotels in town!
Some ladies have lost their thinking caps. Some found it but unable to use it. Must you clock 35 before you stop partying here & there? You already know all Eateries/ Hotels in town! You even know the tastes of their various ice-creams, pepper-soups, shawamas, etc.
And you can tell the prices of their beers and wines offhand.
-- --

Funny, you're singing “No man is responsible.”
*Which responsible man drinks to stupour and clubs every weekend? *Which responsible man samples you and your slutty friends randomly?
*Which responsible man sags with dog's chains on his neck and tattoos on his body?
Ask your self; “Is the guy I'm currently dating my dream man?”

Dear sisters,
If you are living your life as above, my dear, you are living a life of mirage. Be real! Humble yourself and so you will be raised.

The so called "responsible men" you are searching for are not in the clubs and hotels, you won't find them at the weekly birthday 'bashes', weekend beach crashing or pool-side jamborees loitering around women of easy virtues, drunkards and men of questionable characters. They are busy; in the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges studying hard for the life after school, and in the offices, workshops, and on business trips striving hard to make life better for their families and better than they've met it.
Use that brain Sweet Sisters!
It's for thinking. - Mercy Johnson.
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  1. Dats absolutely correct no responsible man will get a wife 4rom a club or beer parlour so b wise both sexes b good & d best will come 2 u

  2. As u make ur bed so shall u lie on it.A word is enough for the wise.

  3. For how much I hate ur acting. I never believe u have something that can move me upstairs. I'm well touched by ur write up.I Wish u re practising what u re preaching & even if u don't, I've just bought an idea dat I won't sell so cheap. Thank u.

  4. Dat's true my sister,tell dem ooo and may God grant dem listening ears

  5. Love they say may found anywhere but love that has a beautiful ending is found at workplace.


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