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Saturday, 16 December 2017

Is The Deeper Life Bible Church A Cult ?

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I was a Deeper Life member and worker and almost a Pastor for about 20 years.

Initially when you join it appears to be one great club of humble believers, but afterwards you notice the following traits of their organisation ;

• They are beholden to one man, Pastor Kumuyi

• Anything Pastor Kumuiyi says is truth and if you do not like it you must leave or start your own church

• They are so spiritually arrogant, and portray their church as the next best thing to holiness while other churches are either further away from holiness or fake altogether

• They separate families, husbands and wives, children and parents, siblings, co-workers etc .

• If you are in a second marriage and become born again (so called), you must go back to your first wife and reconcile to her, assuming she is unmarried because your second wife is not recognized by God. Imagine the confusion this will cause especially with children involved.

• They lack true compassion and love for everyone else other than their own members

• They use hell fire to threaten their members into paying tithes and to abide by church rules and regulations.

• If you are not careful, the church will take over your individuality and you will become another zombie minion without a mind of your own

• The church also has to tendency to preach against wine or alcohol intake, something that was never commanded in the bible, rather the bible says we should do everything in moderation

• It is difficult to be truly happy in Deeper Life because you are always fighting one sin or the other or chasing one demon or the other

• Their focus is strongly selfish, it is all about your own salvation and escaping hell to make heaven.

• They will often tell off young women for certain styles of dressing, the problem is many of these same women have the heart of Jezebel, very similar to a modest radical Muslim woman who despite dressing modestly with the Hijab will easily blow up innocent civilians in the name of her god.

• They preach the fables and myths of a fictitious rapture (started by a charlatan called Scholfield ) , Trinity and Hell fire

Young ones, do not be enticed to join. God has called you to express your individuality and make choices in favour of righteousness and peace. God does not want any man to rule over you or force his own belief on you. You are answerable only to God and not Man.

Enjoy this life and all that goes with you, don’t live a life of misery in the name or religion.

Culled from Nairaland
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1 comment:

  1. You were "almost a pastor" how absurd and awkward that sounds... Hmm but now you are an "APOSTATE"... be careful what you preach and what you speak against.. After almost twenty years, you discovered your emptiness and you were disgruntled about just everything, instead of you to ask God for help... My question to you Mr Adviser is this; Since you've gotten the freedom to drink alcohol and live the way you want, as you have always longed for, what relevance has your life earned? What has been your spiritual improvement?.... My advice to you is this "OGA"! Learn to keep quiet when you don't have anything to say, because only foolish people will agree with your daft claims ...


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