Nigeria Gist

News, Finance, Entertainment, Politics


Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Tennessee sheriff hears gunshots outside his house...then blames Beyonce

On Monday night, someone reportedly drove by the house of a local sheriff in Tennessee and fired at least six shots. Rutherford County Sheriff Robert Arnold doesn't yet have an explanation for what happened. But he has a suspicion for what may have motivated the person: Beyoncé.

    "We all know, as soon as you put your uniform on, you're a target," Arnold said in a Tuesday morning press conference, according to The Daily News Journal. "You make people mad when you're just doing your job."
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He wondered if it was part of a wave of attacks on law enforcement officials around the country and pointed to "everything that’s happened since the Super Bowl."

"You know, Beyonce's video," he clarified.

    Q: Have you given any thought to ... that kind of a headline, how it looks nationally. You know we've seen a lot of instances where people in law enforcement have been specifically targeted in violence.

    ARNOLD: Well that’s actually what I thought about. Once I kind of figured everything out, you know, with everything since the half[time show] at the Super Bowl and with law enforcement as a whole. I mean I think we've lost five to seven officers. Five deputy chairs since Sunday’s Super Bowl. You know that’s what I'm thinking, you know, here’s another target on law enforcement.

    ... Well you have Beyonce's video and how that's kind of bled over into other things it seems like about law enforcement.

Many people were outraged by Beyonce and her new song "Formation." In the video, a person dances in front of police dressed in riot gear, a wall reads "Stop shooting us" and she sits on top of a sinking police car.

In her Super Bowl halftime show, where she performed the number, she paid tribute to black empowerment and referenced the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, and Black Lives Matter.

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