Nigeria Gist

News, Finance, Entertainment, Politics


Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse.According
to The Daily Mail in the U.K., who spoke at length to Ms. Fernee just last week; to keep her going in that flat, pay her bills and supply her with gym membership and designer clothes, her parents give her a minimum of £4,520 monthly (that's about 1,104,000 Naira).
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The 33-year-old science graduate says her slim figure and pretty face attracted unwanted attention from her male colleagues.

Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful they are ruining her life – and have forced her to quit her job.
She has a science degree and worked in research for 3 years but had to quit because of her looks. It's not just men that prevent her from working, either, she says she is so fetching other women assume she is stupid and will not give to her credit for her capabilities. Men are the bigger problem though, and even "in a laboratory in scrubs with no make-up" she says men are drawn to her "natural attractiveness."

"I’m not lazy and I’m no bimbo,:" she told the Daily Mail. "The truth is my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I’ve made the decision that employment just isn’t for me at the moment. It’s not my fault. I can’t help the way I look."

This reporter might like to have the male equivalent of looks that are on a par with Furnee's, but there is something else of hers that I should prefer to have - her parents.
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  1. White people sha!!! Had it been she was born here in nigeria, no one would force her to work! And my prayer is, god should let her parents stay long on earth. We have ladies that are more gorgeous than her here in nigeria that do faces the same problem she is facing! And with that, they still work. And don't know if she is the daughter of "bill gate".

  2. Tell her lol I dnt see the beauty she claims 2hv sorry


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