Nigeria Gist

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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Mujahid Dokubo Asari, Responds to A Buhari Supporter, Yusuf Abubakar that Attacked his Facebook Wall

understand why people like Buhari can't even get recognised by the international bodies.

"It so childish for few to think that integrity means not owning a house in Abuja or haven't stolen assets from the people.

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Stealing the right of people freedoms, enriching your cousins, imprisoning the wrong people while allowing your own go free or stay home at expense of the public fund etc are also yardsticks for integrity. It is only in Nigeria educated people will explain to you that big thief is different from small thief.

Grow up and understand why people like Buhari can't even get recognised by the international bodies or even called to serve on any international bodies because they stink like a rotten fish when placed on the scale of integrity.

Wealth has nothing to do with integrity people, he can fool others but he can't fool the majority that see through him like a piece glass.

The more you people paint him the more he becomes a prism of you people mindset and as we know when light shines on a prism not only one color shows but multiple (rainbow), so go on and free us to know him more as we know him long ago (revenge, killings, favors, ruler-ship, wickedness etc).

Allah only knows why he has failed three times and only He Allah can help those forcing him unto us to free their minds from falsehood." - Mujahid Dokubo Asari
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1 comment:

  1. Yes, buhari can't be again. I say as many that be against unite of Nigeria nd against Christian can't be our leader again in Nigeria.


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